Who are we?

We're part-time expats sharing our adventures traveling throughout Europe. We're also recent empty-nesters figuring out what's next. This is the story of how we got here and how it's going. We're sharing what we learn here, with resources, advice, and insights into midlife travel and life transitions. More about us.

We just started documenting this journey in September 2023, so stay tuned. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel and join in on the journey.

Subscribe to Notes from the Road, our weekly newsletter.

Helping you thrive in your 50s and beyond. Advice, tools, and inspiration for navigating midlife and post-work life (with just a tiny bit of travel thrown in).

Our latest video

This video discusses a key issue when considering how to spend your savings and investments during your 50s and beyond - Anticipating how your health will impact your ability to undertake the activities you have planned to pursue once you have reached your post-work years, and when to anticipate spending down some of your savings and investments to undertake these activities.  

Planners call this the "Go-go, Slo-go, and No-go" phases, and they are based on a person's overall health and physical capacity during their later years. Keeping these phases in mind is important when mapping out your financial outlays during your post-work years.

Consider working with a professional financial planner to get this right. Creating a detailed financial plan projecting your financial heath during your retirement years is key to being able to evaluate how much you can spend, and the impact of this spend on meeting your ongoing expenses.  

DISCLAIMER: This video is not to be considered financial advice. Meet with a professional financial advisor to create a plan based on your specific resources and needs.

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Subscribe to Notes from the Road, our weekly newsletter.

Helping you thrive in your 50s and beyond. Advice, tools, and inspiration for navigating midlife and post-work life (with just a tiny bit of travel thrown in).